Saturday, January 28, 2012

Welcome to my new blog!

Hello my fellow jammers! I am excited to open this new blog to the public. Newcomers, welcome and I hope you enjoy! Old comers, hello again! I'm WolkaGenerations, or Wolka. I am pleased to meet you all, or see you again. This new blog has rules.
- No bullying.
- No swear words
- You must enjoy yourself
- Have fun!
So, jam on!


  1. Hey Wolka sorry for not joining earlier I didn't see your post! Well I'm sure you'll get all your 609 members back soon!

  2. I hope everybody viewed your post! You had so many members...

  3. I didn't see it either at first! I told all my friends however, and hopefully you get your members back-fast.

  4. Jammers-
    Hey jammers! I'm glad for your concern, but it's not about the members. It's about the thrill of owning a blog.


Here are the rules for commenting:
1. No bad words. At all.
2. No spam comments.
3. No being rude to others. Respect their opinions!
4. Have fun and JAM ON!!